Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Random things to think about;

I haven't posted anything in a while- not that all 2 of you reading really care:

When someone says, "You scared me half to death!" -do it one more time for good measure.

Why do we ask "Are you O.K.?" when someone falls or gets hurt?

If it's illegal to drink and drive, why do they ask for your driver's license when you buy liquor?

If they can make transition lenses, why can't they make transition contact lenses?

If antique cars are so valuable, why doesn't your car start INCREASING in value after you buy it?

Why does the post office complain that no one uses the mail anymore and then raise the cost of stamps?

If IRS sends people letters telling them to be patient for their tax refunds, can those of us that owe taxes do the same?

Can a Telemarketer call in sick?

Why do Honey Bees die after they sting you? If it's a defense mechanism, it kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it?

Why do companies file bankruptcy against their creditors but still expect you to pay them?