Thursday, October 22, 2009

Communication Upgrades;

Communication has really transcended from where it was just 10 or 20 years ago, and it's important for EVERYONE to keep up. When is the last time you or anyone you know sent a letter to a relative? I think my wife and I sent thank you cards to her parents after a recent visit, but no actual letter. I'd be willing to bet if you reviewed your communication with family and friends over a 1 week period you'd likely find that you sent more emails, IM's, or text messages to them than number of calls to all of them. I don't mean to imply that's bad; on the contrary, I think it's a good thing. Most kids would loathe a conversation or call from mom or dad telling them when to be home, to be safe, to be sure and "call when you get there" and that's the funny thing; we not only don't like having to tell you these things, but we also don't want to hear the sighs and see the eye rolling when we do, so sending a text makes it all worthwhile.

I just realised that I was told every day "Be sure and call me when you get there!" I never really understood why, but I always did. Before my kids got cell phones, I did the same with them, now I'd rather give them a phone and just say "Go." When is the last time you told a child with a cell phone to call when they reach their destination? Is the impending doom or dangers that were out there prior to cell phones suddenly gone? For some reason we all feel better that they have a phone with them. I suppose we think they could scare off an attacker, "Stay back! I have a cell phone!"

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