Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sick Co-workers

Why do sick co-workers try SO HARD to let you know they're sick? Hacking, coughing, and sniffleing their way around the office like they are part of some 3rd world country's Ms. Sickly 2009 pagent. I understand that people get sick, and I also understand that sometimes you can't help but cough or sneeze, but if you are a walking sack of mucus that is oozing and spurting all over, by all means, please stay home.

I will even donate a day of sick time just to avoid having to listen to your whining and various bodily rejections to illness, not to mention the benfit of not risking getting whatever crappy virus you were lucky enough to contract.
If someone was really sick enough to be "gross" (and yes, blowing your nose at your desk, hacking up a lung, or even kidney, and sniffing enough to make a reformed coke head go into withdrawls would be considered gross) then you shouldn't be at work for your own health, as well as your self respect.

If you work with me, I probably already don't like you anyway and showing up putrid and dripping infectious fluids certainly won't improve your image with me or anyone else.

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